Create or Eliminate
In life, you are either progressing or regressing. There really is not status quo or maintenance. When it comes to reaching your fitness goals, you're either moving towards them, or they are slipping farther and farther from your grasp.
So how do you stay progressing? You either learn to create circumstances and opportunities for your continued success, or you eliminate those distractions, those temptations, that continue to derail you. Every single day, you have to start with the mindset that you are going to move towards your goal. Don't look at the big picture too long, it can become overwhelming; keep your eyes on the immediate task ahead, the opportunities that you set forth for the day, that will help you progress.
Becoming truly healthy, or achieving the body you've always dreamed of having, are completely attainable; however, you have to create the opportunities that will set you up for success. For instance, if you know you struggle with eating breakfast, whether you are rushed in the morning, or you just simply don't feel like cooking something healthy, then plan ahead! I like to make a healthy quiche filled with eggs, bell peppers, red onions, spinach, and some sort of meat. I make this in a casserole dish, and all that it requires in the morning, is me putting a slice on a plate, warming it up, and eating it. That is truly quicker than driving through McDonald's on your way to work.
It's all about setting yourself up for success. So both create the circumstances and opportunities to allow you to be successful, as well as eliminate all the distractions and temptations that just cause you to regress. I promise you the end goal, that self-empowerment of achievement is well worth the effort.